The Advantages of a Trusted Auto Repair Shop

How To Increase The Lifespan Of Your Brakes

Your car's brakes are one of the most important parts of the entire vehicle, as they allow you to control your speed. As such, old and failing brakes can greatly increase the risk of an accident occurring. Further, brake repairs tend to be fairly expensive and complicated to do, since brakes are such a central system within your vehicle. Thankfully, you can do a number of different things to extend the lifespan of your brakes for as long as possible, increasing your safety and saving you money on auto repair services. Read More 

4 Signs You’re Paying Too Much For Auto Repairs

Owning a car can be costly. Not only do you have to worry about the costs that go along with paying your car payment, but you also have to worry about insurance, gas, maintenance, and repairs. If you are like many car owners, however, there is a chance that you are paying more for your auto repairs than you have to. These are a few signs that this might be the case and that it might be time to make some changes so that you can save money on car ownership. Read More 

A Quick Look At The Advantages Of Adding A Custom Truck Body To Your Business Pick Up Truck

Whether you have a small trade business or spend your time hauling limbs, brush, or recyclables for extra cash, it is highly likely that you spend your days driving a pickup truck. Pickup trucks work well for a lot of small business related tasks, but have you ever considered the fact that they could be made even better? The fact is, adding a custom-made truck body to your pickup could completely change how you use your pickup truck for business. Read More 

Three Ways A Mechanic Can Help You When You Plan To Sell Your Car

If you have a vehicle that you want to sell privately in the near future, you need to be sure that you take the time to know what condition the car is in so that you can ask a fair price for it when you go to sell it. In order to ensure that you know what the true condition of the car is, you need to take it to a mechanic. Read More 

Is It Absolutely Necessary To Repair Your Car After You Make An Insurance Claim?

Many people make claims for automobile accident damage, then never actually have the car repaired. If you're considering not repairing your car, and keeping the money, there's a few things you will have to consider. Have You Reported the Accident Yet? Some people will skip filing a claim altogether if they can comfortably afford a small repair out of pocket. It won't affect your insurance, and you won't have to go through the claim process. Read More