Cooling System Problems That Could Put Your Car In The Shop For Repairs
Cars and trucks can have system problems that are hard to diagnose. In many cases, the repairs are not overly challenging to fix, but you may need to take your car to an auto repair shop for a full diagnostic and repair.
Engine Overheating
One of the primary systems in your car or truck, the engine cooling system is critical to keeping the heat generated inside the engine cylinders from becoming a problem and damaging the engine block. The cooling system uses a pump to move coolant or water through the engine water passages, and through a radiator mounted in the vehicle.
The air passing through the radiator removes the heat from the coolant before it is circulated back into the engine to absorb more heat and repeat the process. If your vehicle is running hot, there may be a problem that requires a trip to your local auto repair shop.
Many times the fix is as simple as adding more coolant to the system, but that needs to be done correctly, or the pressure in the cooling system can spray hot coolant all over the place and you could get burned. If you suspect the coolant is low, wait until the engine is cool to check the level in the radiator, or have a trained mechanic check it for you.
Water Pump Failure
The water pump in the cooling system uses a bearing and seal on the shaft that supports the impeller inside the pump. Over time, the seal and the bearing can wear enough to allow the pump to leak or wobble inside the housing.
The technician at an auto repair shop can check the pump and determine if there is a problem, then replace the pump if necessary. If the pump is not working correctly or leaking, the coolant level can fall, or the pump may drag and become ineffective at moving the coolant through the system.
Thermostat Failure
A thermostat inside the cooling system opens when the engine reaches a specific temperature so the coolant can circulate through the block. When the engine is still cold, the thermostat will stop the coolant flow to allow the engine to warm up faster, but as it gets old, the spring on the thermostat can wear and become weak.
If the thermostat spring gets too weak, it will not operate correctly, and the system may have plenty of coolant but can not circulate it. The thermostat must open for the coolant to pass through the housing, so if the thermostat is stuck closed, you will often have an engine overheating issue and no heat inside the car.
The auto repair shop can replace the thermostat and get things circulating again, but it may take some diagnostic time to determine if that is the problem. For more information, contact an auto repair shop near you.