Troubleshooting Strategies For Bad Automotive Fuses
It can be easy to overlook the importance of the electrical system in a European automobile--that is until some part of it stops working the way it should. Such a failure is oftentimes the cause of a bad fuse. The good news here is that such problems can often be solved quite easily--even by relative amateurs. If you would like to learn more about one common aspect of European car maintenance, read on. This article will discuss two important troubleshooting strategies for a bad automotive fuse.
Fuse Map
Cracking open an automobile's fuse box only tends to intensify most people's feelings from confusion to panic. To begin with, it can be difficult even to find the fuse box, which may either be located beneath a panel to the left of the steering wheel or underneath the hood of the car. In either case, look for a black rectangular box; its lid should pop off easily, revealing an intimidating array of fuses.
Fortunately, figuring out which one of those many fuses is the cause of your problem is likely easier than you realize. That's because all cars come with what is known, appropriately enough, as a fuse map. In some cases, you may even be so lucky as to find this map pasted to the inside of the fuse box lid. If not, you will certainly be able to find it inside of your owner's manual. The map will detail which fuse controls which aspect of the electrical system, thus making it easy to connect the dots.
Color Coding
Many fuse boxes will also contain a row of fuses off to the side. These will be marked as spare fuses on the map. So long as you have an appropriate spare fuse, you should be able to resolve your issue without having to make a single trip to the auto parts store. Of course, you'll first have to figure out which one of those spare fuses is the appropriate one to use.
Fortunately, this isn't as hard as you might think. That's because all automotive fuses follow a universal color coding system. All you have to do is select a spare fuse of the same color as the bad one, and you should be good to go. The identical hue is a clear signal that the two fuses have the exact same amp rating. If your fuse box doesn't have an additional fuse, simply bring the bad fuse along with you to the auto parts store, and use it as a guide for selecting the right replacement. To learn more, contact a company like European Motors.